Club Rules

The Ladies and Gentlemen's Sections (hereinafter called The Sections) shall be formed with delegated responsibilities from The Board (Club Rule 6 applies). 
The summer section shall not be bound by the Section Rules but must comply with the Club Rules and Company By-laws. 

To administer the Sections bowling activities in accordance with Club Rules and Regulations. To ensure that any necessary recommendations for alterations to Rules and Regulations are promptly dealt with. 

Membership of the appropriate sections is open to those members who have paid the current year’s subscription. All members shall have equal voting rights, with the exceptions as outlined in Club Rule No.4. Playing members who through protracted illness are not able to play, will be allowed to maintain ‘playing’ status provided that The Board have given approval (By-law 1 (vi) applies). 

The Annual General Meetings of the Sections shall be held in March of each year, for the purpose of receiving their Annual Reports and to elect Officers and Committees for the ensuing year. 

The Section shall be managed by a Committee comprising the Officers of the Section. Namely - Chairman - Captain - Vice Captain - Junior Vice Captain - Secretary - Treasurer (Ladies only) - Match Secretary - League Secretary Competition Secretary and County Delegate not Summer Section.
All members of the committee shall have equal voting rights. 
Nominations for Officers and Elected Members of the Committee shall be proposed and seconded in writing and signed by 2 (two) members, not being the Nominee, and entered on the Election Form on the Section notice board for at least 14 (fourteen) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. No nominations may be made without the signed consent of the Nominee. 
Tellers shall be proposed and elected at the Annual General Meeting. All Officers and Committee Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. At the next Annual General Meeting they shall be eligible for re-election except as follows;- 
The Chairman shall remain in office for 3 (three) years after which no re-election will be allowed for one year. 
The office of Captain shall be held for one year only when the unopposed progression of Vice-Captain and Junior Vice-Captain shall apply. Should it not be possible for the appropriate progression to take place, then the retiring Captain may by requested to serve another year. The existing Captain shall remain in office until the end of the current season. 
The Section Committee shall have the power to fill a casual vacancy of any office occurring during the year until the next Annual General Meeting. The Section Committee shall also have the power to co-opt any member to the Committee as and when necessary. Any person so appointed shall have full voting rights. 

Seven (7) members of a Section Committee shall form a quorum. No business may be conducted unless a quorum is present. In the event of a tie in voting The Chairman shall have an additional casting vote. 

The Section Committee shall have the power to form all necessary Subcommittees from among its members and to co-opt members as appropriate to serve on such subcommittee. 

(a) For friendly matches – the Selection Committee shall consist of The Captain, Vice-Captain and Junior Vice-Captain. If a full Selection Committee is not available at any time the Captain or Vice-Captain may co-opt from the Section Committee for that meeting only. 

(b) Ladies Representative games (including County League matches) – Captain – Vice Captain – Immediate retiring captain plus two (2) members of the committee. 

(c) Men’s Representative games - A Selection Committee, which shall be elected at the men’s Section A.G.M., comprising three (3) qualified individuals, shall be formed, to be responsible for selecting men to represent the Club in all major matches – the Denny Cup, Egham Trophy, London and Southern Counties, Leonard Denny Memorial Trophy and the County league. The Club Captain, if not part of this selection Committee, shall be advised of the individuals selected to play. 
Individuals selected to play in the Club Representative matches are expected to be seen to be supporting the Club. This could be by playing in various internal Adur leagues, Club friendly matches or Adur Club competitions. 

On the authority of the Board each section shall be responsible for collecting monies at bowling events. The proceeds from such collections shall be passed through Reception for subsequent banking. 

No alteration to Section Rules shall be made except under the conditions laid down in Club Rule 18. 

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