More Rules

Club Bye Laws


(herein after called The Company) was incorporated under The Companies Act 1985 on 22nd April 1988 and is governed by The Companies Act, The Charities Commission and to the requirements of The Licensing Acts. 
A copy of The Memorandum of Association is available for inspection by members upon application to The Company Secretary.

These By-Laws are approved by The Company's Board of Directors (herein after called “The Board") under the powers conferred upon it.
Except where clearly stated they apply to male and female members.

(i) Playing and social membership is open to anyone aged 21 years and over who pays to The Company the fee appropriate at the time that their application has been accepted.
(ii) Junior playing membership shall be encouraged and shall be open to anyone from 9 to 21 years of age.
On obtaining the age of 21 membership converts to category (i).
(iii) Honorary Life Membership may be conferred on anyone approved and announced by the Board at the Annual General Meeting, following previous nominations by members.
(iv) All nominations for membership shall be displayed on the club notice board for at least seven (7) days, and any objections to persons nominated must be made to The Company Secretary in writing within Seven (7) days thereafter. No person may be admitted to any of the privileges of membership until they have been officially notified and have paid the annual subscription.
(v) All membership subscriptions determined by The Board shall become payable to Adur Indoor Bowling Club Ltd by 30th September each year. Members whose subscriptions are outstanding shall forfeit the right to the privileges of The Company until such arrears are paid. New members shall pay the appropriate membership subscription before their admission to membership shall be deemed complete.
(vi) If a member becomes unable to play bowls due to either protracted sickness or by displacement of their employment, and only for these two (2) reasons, membership may be maintained for the current season by application in writing to The Membership Secretary for The Boards approval, after which it will be subject to review.
(vii) It shall be mandatory for every member to have their photograph included in the Club records.

The number of persons in playing membership of Adur Indoor Bowling Club Ltd at any time shall not exceed eight hundred (800) or such higher or lesser number that The Board may decide.
The number of Social members shall not exceed 100.

Members shall be entitled to vote at a General Meeting of The Company.
All members shall have equal voting rights except for non-active Honorary Life Members, Social and Associate members and Junior members under the age of 18 years, who shall have no voting power.

The position of President is awarded to a member in recognition of outstanding service to the club over a number of years.
The Directors will consider a number of worthy candidates and decide on one of these, who will then be approached by the Chairman to confirm that they are willing to take on the Presidency, having been made aware of the duties involved.
The appointment of the President to be announced at the Board Annual General Meeting.

Members being invited to become a Director can only be approached by the Board Chairman, with the agreement of the current Directors.
When an invitation is accepted, the Chairman will arrange a meeting between the new Director and the clubs Officers, who will explain what is involved in the position, and establish what particular strengths the person has, and how these can be utilised.
New Directors will be appointed to serve for a period not exceeding 3 years. When this term expires, a Director will retire at the club AGM following this period.
Should a retiring Director express a wish to continue to serve, this may be granted for a further 3-year period provided there is unanimous agreement from the remaining Directors.
Directors may continue in office after 6 years if all the remaining Directors consider that it is in the best interest of the club for any Director(s) to continue.

The following are the Club Officers who are appointed by the Directors.
Company Secretary
Membership Secretary
Company Treasurer General Manager Reception Manager / Head Green Steward The Club Administrator (to assist the Company Secretary, Company Treasurer and General Manager).

The Company's premises shall normally be opened no earlier than 8.30am, and shall not normally remain open after 10.00pm
The Board shall have the power to reduce or extend hours on special occasions or for carrying out or finishing matches or competitions.
The premises can be closed on such days or times as The Board shall determine. At least 48 hours notice of any closure shall be given on club notice boards, except for essential maintenance work or for health and safety reasons.

Opening times of the BAR are governed by the licensing laws and are displayed on the Directors' Board in the Foyer.

(a) Members may introduce up to 4 guests in any one visit. These guests cannot be admitted more than 6 times in any 12-month period. If the same guests do wish to visit more than 6 times, permission must be sought in writing, 2 weeks in advance, from the Company Secretary. Members who may wish to invite more than 4 guests, must seek permission from the Company Secretary in writing 2 weeks in advance. On receipt of such a request, the Company Secretary will decide, in the light of other club activities, if this additional number can be admitted.
(b) Outside Organisations/Clubs wishing to use AIBC Ltd facilities, regardless of whether some individuals are members of AIBC, must seek agreement in writing from the Company Secretary, who will advise them of the fee to be paid.
(c) Signing in Guests - 
The names and addresses of visitors introduced under the provisions of By-Law 9 - together with the name and club number of the member who has introduced them shall be entered in the Visitors Book, which is on the lectern in the reception area.
MEMBERS should note that they are responsible for signing in all guests, and there are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.

Children under 14 years of age must be under the control of a responsible adult at all times. 
No person under the age of 18 years shall be allowed to buy alcoholic drinks. Animals SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED on The Company’s premises. The only exception to this By-Law will relate to Assistance dogs.

The company does not accept liability for any loss or damage to personal property of persons using The Company’s premises, including any outside area and the car park.

All monies from Green Fees and the proceeds from approved fund-raising activities, must be remitted to The Company Treasurer.
Final approval for any decisions regarding finance, the building and its environs, is the direct responsibility of The Board. The names of donors and lenders will be known only to The Company Treasurer or members approved by the Board.

It is the responsibility of every member to ensure that bowling bags and clothing do not in any way interfere with the comfort or free movement of players and spectators. It is strongly recommended that the fullest use is made of dressing rooms and coat hanging facilities provided. Under no circumstances will bowls bags or personal equipment be left in the foyer, bar area and playing area, or on top of lockers.

It is strictly forbidden for players to go onto the playing surface without having changed into bowling shoes within The Company's premises.
Bowls shoes must not be worn outside the building.
The use of ‘Grippo’ or any other bowls cleaning agent, and the use of non-water based spray chalk is strictly forbidden.
No running on the green, no dangerous firing.
Any infringement of these – By-Law 24 will be invoked.

Green fees for member’s guests and members of the public shall be as the Board may determine from 1st October each year. All fees shall be paid before the commencement of play.

The Directors, Officers and Members of Committees shall be indemnified by the Company in respect of any bona-fide decisions made by them in the course of their duties.

All litter must be deposited in the receptacles provided, and on no account may be thrown on to the floor, in rink ditches or surrounds of the green or toilets. No smoking including e-cigarettes is allowed on the club premises.

Members shall not enter the kitchen or go behind the bar unless in an official capacity.

Members shall not interfere with any controls of lights, heating or ventilating within The Company's premises. These may only be operated on the authority of the Board or members of the Maintenance team.

No member shall commit The Company to any expenses without the prior approval of The Board.

No member may take away from Company's premises any articles belonging to or held in trust by The Company, or Bowling Sections, except on authority of The Board.

Members will be required to reimburse The Company for any damage caused by them to The Company's premises or articles therein.

Any member who wilfully commits a breach of these By-Laws, or acts in any way detrimental to the interests of The Company or The Club, either within or without The Company's premises shall be subject to reprimand, suspension, or expulsion.

Amendments to these By-Laws may be made by The Board at any time. Proposals for amendments by members must be submitted in writing to The Company Secretary for consideration by The Board.

Any complaints by members concerning the conduct of Officers, Staff employed by the Company, or other members, shall be made in writing to The Company Secretary for consideration by The Board.
Any suggestions concerning non-disciplinary matters shall also be made in writing to The Company Secretary for consideration by The Board.

The organisation of bowling activities and the promoting of social and recreational facilities shall be the responsibility of the Club, and shall be covered by the Club Rules.

Liability of Members is Limited. Every member undertakes to contribute such amount as may be required (not exceeding £1) to the Company’s assets if it should be wound up while he/ she is a member, for the payment of the Company’s debts and liabilities contracted before they cease to be a member, and of costs, charges and expenses of winding up, and for the adjustment of the rights of the contributors among themselves.
If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Company there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Company, but shall be given or transferred to some other institution or institutions having objects similar to the objects of the Company, and which shall prohibit the distribution of its or their income and property among its or to their members to an extent at least as great as is imposed on the Company under or by virtue of clause 6 of the Memorandum of Association, such institution or institutions to be determined by members of the Company at or before the time of dissolution, and if and so far as effect cannot be given to such provision, then to some charitable object.

Etiquette in the Game of Bowls

  • Hand the Jack and the Mat to your opponent if it’s his /her mat.
  • Keep quiet and out of sight-line when your opponent is bowling, and do not walk across rink if a bowler at the other end is preparing to bowl.
  • Give praise to your opponent for a shot well played.
  • Help to kick the bowls back behind the mat on each end – after the No3’s have decided the score.
  • Acknowledge a ‘fluke’ or lucky shot.
  • Don’t argue with your Skip.
  • Don’t criticise (or make excuses about) the Green, the weather, other Team members, the skip, the Butcher or the Baker or the Candlestick Maker.- Bowl up and shut up!
  • One of the team members usually places the bowl of their Skip onto the mat (if it is the Skips turn to play next) before going down to the ‘head’.
  • Be a GENEROUS winner.
  • Be a GRACIOUS Loser.

Club Rules

The club shall be known as ADUR INDOOR BOWLING CLUB LTD (hereinafter called) The Club.

(a) The objects of The Club shall be to organise bowling activities and promote social and recreational facilities of The Club through delegated responsibilities from the Board.
(b) The purpose of The Clubs Rules and Regulations shall be to promote good bowling in a friendly atmosphere, whilst preserving discipline to ensure the comfort and safety of members and visitors.

Membership shall be open to any members of The Club who have paid their current year’s annual subscription governed by By-Law 1 (iv). Playing member’s subscription will automatically include membership of the respective Ladies and Gentlemen's and Summer Bowls Sections.                                                                 

All active Life Members and all playing members except Junior’s under the age of 18 years shall be entitled to vote at General Meetings of The Club. Only those members as defined in By-Law 1 (i) and (ii) shall be entitled to vote at a General Meeting of The Ladies, Gentlemen's and Summer Sections when appropriately qualified under the Section Rules.

The Club shall be affiliated to the E.I.B.A. Ltd, Sussex County Indoor Bowls Association and the Sussex County Women's Indoor Bowling Association and any other recognised bodies.
All games shall be played under World Indoor Bowls Councils “Laws of Game Governing Indoor Bowls” as amended by the E.I.B.A. Ltd.

Ladies, Gentlemen's and Summer Bowls Section shall be formed with delegated responsibility from The Board. They shall maintain Section Rules and shall appoint their Officers and Committee as appropriate to deal with the administration of their respective bowling activities in accordance with Club Rules and Regulations. The Ladies, Gentlemen Sections shall hold their Annual General Meetings in March of each year and the Summer Section in each September.

All members must wear regulation bowling shoes on the playing surface. Bowling sandals may be worn at member’s own risk.

For internal Leagues and Competitions – Club shirts should be worn or predominately white collared tops with sleeves, grey or black tailored skirts, tailored trousers, cut-off trousers, black grey or white Bowls Manufactured or tailored shorts. For County league matches, Representative games, National competitions, County competitions – club shirts, grey or white tailored skirts, trousers, cut-off trousers, black grey or white Bowls Manufactured or tailored shorts, cardigans, jumpers or waistcoats. For Friendly matches club shirts, grey or white tailored skirts, tailored trousers, cut off trousers Bowls Manufactured or tailored shorts.  On Finals Days – Club shirts, white tailored trousers, white Bowls Manufactured or tailored shorts must be worn. White shoes preferred.

For internal Leagues and competitions – Club shirts should be worn or predominately white collared tops with sleeves, black or grey tailored trousers,  black, grey or white  Bowls Manufactured or tailored shorts. For County league matches, Representative games, National competitions and County competitions –  club shirts, grey or white tailored trousers, black grey or white Bowls Manufactured or tailored shorts. For Friendly matches club shirts, grey or white tailored trousers,  black grey or white Bowls Manufactured shorts. On Finals Days – Club shirts, white tailored trousers, white Bowls Manufactured or tailored shorts must be worn. White shoes preferred.

No formal dress code, except that Cargo Pants or Cargo Shorts, Jeans, Jogging Bottoms non bowling T-Shirts, Overalls, Shorts other than black grey or white Bowls Manufactured or tailored  shorts, Track Suits and Vests (not covered by a Club or Bowling Shirt) must not be worn. To uphold standards set by The Club, neatness of dress is expected. Regulation shoes are mandatory.

Dangerous firing, running on the greens and eating in the playing area are strictly prohibited as are any other activities likely to cause damage to the carpet or surrounds (see By-Law 13 and 14). It is also strictly forbidden to take any food whatsoever on to the walk surround. The use of ‘Grippo’ or any other cleaning agent is forbidden. Only water-based spray chalk and stick chalk are permitted.

The use of mobile phones is strictly forbidden in the playing area.

The allocation of rinks for general or competition play will be the prerogative of the Head Green Steward and staff on duty.                                                                     

Members who arrive late after a session has commenced and who have not pre-booked a rink, may play on any unoccupied rink up to the normal end of that session.

12. FULL USAGE OF RINKS Roll ups of Singles, Pairs or Triples may be required to accept additional players by The Green Steward on duty if play by the smaller number would deny members a game if they wished to play. This rule does not apply after ten minutes of the commencement of a session.

In the case of National or County Competitions, members may book a specific rink if it is available. For all bookings members will be required to accept any rink that is allocated by the Green Steward on duty.

(a) Rinks can be booked up to 7 (seven) days in advance either by telephone or in person. Members must give name and club number when booking a rink or places on a rink.
(b) The following can only be booked by the booking system in operation at that time: Rinks may be booked for National and County Competitions up to 4 weeks in advance. Club Competitions which are played at a time mutually agreed between players may be booked up to 4 weeks in advance.
(c) It should be noted that certain National Competitions (e.g. Yetton & Denny) have fixed playing dates and these must take precedence over any local bookings.
However, existing commitments for Drives or pre-booked Roll-ups made within the 7-day Rule (see sub-para (a) above, will be honoured wherever possible

(a) They may reserve one rink providing they book 7 (seven) days in advance.
(b) The correct type of bowling footwear must be worn.
(c) They are subject to the rules of Adur Indoor Bowling Club.
(d) Neatness of dress is expected to uphold the standards set by the club
(e) The level of fees is displayed in the Reception area and cannot be varied.
(f) The facility of hiring bowls and the correct type of footwear is provided on application to the Duty Green Steward.

Seven minutes before each session is due to end a warning bell will sound. If the jack has been correctly delivered before the bell sounds, that end may be completed. Players will vacate the green immediately the end is completed to ensure that the rink is available for the next session.

Official forms are held in the Green Stewards File which is in Reception.

These must be completed by the Complainant and forwarded to the Company Secretary.

Suggested alterations to the Club Rules should be made in writing to the Board Director responsible for overseeing the Rules, (the Chair of the Rules Committee) who will, if necessary, bring the proposed changes to the Rules Committee for consideration.
The RULES COMMITTEE shall comprise one (1) Board Director who will Chair the Committee, two (2) members of the Men’s Section Committee, two (2) members of the Ladies’ Section Committee, and two (2) members of the Summer Committee.
However, as the Board of Directors are responsible to Companies House for the good stewardship of the Adur Club’s finances, should any proposed Rule changes have financial implications, the Directors reserve the right to decide or amend such Rules without prior reference to the membership.


    The Ladies, Gentlemen's and Summer Sections (hereinafter called The Sections) shall be formed with delegated responsibilities from The Board (Club Rule 6 applies).

    2. OBJECTS
    To administer the Sections bowling activities in accordance with Club Rules and Regulations. To ensure that any necessary recommendations for alterations to Rules and Regulations are promptly dealt with.

    Membership of the appropriate sections is open to those members who have paid the current year’s subscription. All members shall have equal voting rights, with the exceptions as outlined in Club Rule No.4. Playing members who through protracted illness are not able to play, will be allowed to maintain ‘playing’ status provided that The Board have given approval (By-law 1 (vi) applies).
    The Annual General Meetings of the Sections shall be held in March of each year, for the purpose of receiving their Annual Reports and to elect Officers and Committees for the ensuing year.

    The Section shall be managed by a Committee comprising the Officers of the Section. Namely - Chairman - Captain - Vice Captain - Junior Vice Captain - Secretary - Treasurer (Ladies only) - Match Secretary - League Secretary Competition Secretary and County Delegate (not Summer Section).
    All members of the committee shall equal voting rights.
    Nominations for Officers and Elected Members of the Committee shall be proposed and seconded in writing and signed by 2 (two) members, not being the Nominee, and entered on the Election Form on the Section notice board for at least 14 (fourteen) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. No nominations may be made without the signed consent of the Nominee.
    Tellers shall be proposed and elected at the Annual General Meeting. All Officers and Committee Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. At the next Annual General Meeting they shall be eligible for re-election except as follows;-
    The Chairman shall remain in office unless opposed at the A.G.M.
    The office of Captain shall be held for one year only when the unopposed progression of Vice Captain and Junior Vice Captain shall apply. Should it not be possible for the appropriate progression to take place, then the retiring Captain may by requested to serve another year. The existing Captain shall remain in office until the end of the current season.
    The Section Committee shall have the power to fill a casual vacancy of any office occurring during the year until the next Annual General Meeting. The Section Committee shall also have the power to co-opt any member to the Committee as and when necessary. Any person so appointed shall have full voting rights.

    6. QUORUM and VOTING
    Five (5)members of a Section Committee shall form a quorum. No business may be conducted unless a quorum is present. In the event of a tie in voting The Chairman shall have an additional casting vote.

    The Section Committee shall have the power to form all necessary Subcommittees from among its members and to co-opt members as appropriate to serve on such subcommittee.

    (a) For friendly matches – the Selection Committee shall consist of The Captain, Vice Captain and Junior Vice Captain. If a full Selection

          Committee is not available at any time the Captain or Vice Captain may co-opt from the Section Committee for that meeting only.(b) Selection for Ladies Representative games such as Yetton, Vivienne, Masons and County League matches will be made by an experienced selection committee as agreed within the Ladies Committee.

          (c) Men’s Representative games - A Selection Committee, which shall be elected at the Men’s Section A.G.M., comprising three (3) qualified individuals, shall be formed, to be responsible for selecting men to represent   the Club in all major matches – the Denny Cup, Egham Trophy, London and Southern Counties, Leonard Denny Memorial Trophy and the County League. The Club Captain, if not part of this selection Committee, shall be advised of the individuals selected to play. Individuals selected to play in the Club Representative matches are expected to be seen to be supporting the Club. This could be by playing in various internal Adur leagues, Club friendly matches or Adur Club competitions.

          9. FINANCE
          On the authority of the Board each section shall be responsible for collecting monies at bowling events. The proceeds from such collections shall be passed through Reception for subsequent banking.

          No alteration to Section Rules shall be made except under the conditions laid down in Club Rule 18.

Bowls Sections

The Ladies and Gentlemen's Sections (hereinafter called The Sections) shall be formed with delegated responsibilities from The Board (Club Rule 6 applies). 
The summer section shall not be bound by the Section Rules but must comply with the Club Rules and Company By-laws. 

To administer the Sections bowling activities in accordance with Club Rules and Regulations. To ensure that any necessary recommendations for alterations to Rules and Regulations are promptly dealt with. 

Membership of the appropriate sections is open to those members who have paid the current year’s subscription. All members shall have equal voting rights, with the exceptions as outlined in Club Rule No.4. Playing members who through protracted illness are not able to play, will be allowed to maintain ‘playing’ status provided that The Board have given approval (By-law 1 (vi) applies). 

The Annual General Meetings of the Sections shall be held in March of each year, for the purpose of receiving their Annual Reports and to elect Officers and Committees for the ensuing year. 

The Section shall be managed by a Committee comprising the Officers of the Section. Namely - Chairman - Captain - Vice Captain - Junior Vice Captain - Secretary - Treasurer (Ladies only) - Match Secretary - League Secretary Competition Secretary and County Delegate not Summer Section.
All members of the committee shall equal voting rights. 
Nominations for Officers and Elected Members of the Committee shall be proposed and seconded in writing and signed by 2 (two) members, not being the Nominee, and entered on the Election Form on the Section notice board for at least 14 (fourteen) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. No nominations may be made without the signed consent of the Nominee. 
Tellers shall be proposed and elected at the Annual General Meeting. All Officers and Committee Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. At the next Annual General Meeting they shall be eligible for re-election except as follows;- 
The Chairman shall remain in office for 3 (three) years after which no re-election will be allowed for one year. 
The office of Captain shall be held for one year only when the unopposed progression of Vice-Captain and Junior Vice-Captain shall apply. Should it not be possible for the appropriate progression to take place, then the retiring Captain may be requested to serve another year. The existing Captain shall remain in office until the end of the current season. 
The Section Committee shall have the power to fill a casual vacancy of any office occurring during the year until the next Annual General Meeting. The Section Committee shall also have the power to co-opt any member to the Committee as and when necessary. Any person so appointed shall have full voting rights. 

Seven (7) members of a Section Committee shall form a quorum. No business may be conducted unless a quorum is present. In the event of a tie in voting The Chairman shall have an additional casting vote. 

The Section Committee shall have the power to form all necessary Subcommittees from among its members and to co-opt members as appropriate to serve on such subcommittee. 

(a) For friendly matches – the Selection Committee shall consist of The Captain, Vice-Captain and Junior Vice-Captain. If a full Selection Committee is not available at any time the Captain or Vice-Captain may co-opt from the Section Committee for that meeting only. 

(b) Ladies Representative games (including County League matches) – Captain – Vice Captain – Immediate retiring captain plus two (2) members of the committee. 

(c) Men’s Representative games - A Selection Committee, which shall be elected at the men’s Section A.G.M., comprising three (3) qualified individuals, shall be formed, to be responsible for selecting men to represent the Club in all major matches – the Denny Cup, Egham Trophy, London and Southern Counties, Leonard Denny Memorial Trophy and the County league. The Club Captain, if not part of this selection Committee, shall be advised of the individuals selected to play. 
Individuals selected to play in the Club Representative matches are expected to be seen to be supporting the Club. This could be by playing in various internal Adur leagues, Club friendly matches or Adur Club competitions. 

On the authority of the Board each section shall be responsible for collecting monies at bowling events. The proceeds from such collections shall be passed through Reception for subsequent banking. 

No alteration to Section Rules shall be made except under the conditions laid down in Club Rule 18. 

Competition Rules

Club competitions shall be organised by the Ladies, Men's and Summer Section Committees via the respective Competition Secretaries, who shall be responsible for making all the draws. In the event of a dispute or disagreement, the findings of the respective Competition Secretary shall be final.

(a) In all the competitions the first named shall be ‘the Challenger’ and shall be responsible for making contact with the second named ‘the Opponent’.
In a Play By date competition the Challenger shall offer two (2) dates and be responsible for booking a rink at the pre-arranged time, and, in the case of Singles Competitions shall be responsible to arrange for a marker. If the Challenger has not offered two (2) dates fourteen days prior to the end of the round in, a Play By date competition, the Opponent becomes the Challenger and offers two dates – one of which must be accepted.
In a Played On Date competition all rounds to be played on the designated dates or before by mutual agreement.
In the event of a failure to play in a round on the designated date or before, the game shall be awarded to the competitor who it is apparent, is available to play, unless permission has been given to change by the respective Competition Secretary.
(b) In  ALL competitions there will be NO TRIAL ENDS.
(c) The time limit for commencement of games not starting on time is ten (10) minutes. The failure of a player or players to appear on the Green, after this maximum waiting period will result in the game being awarded to the Opponent/Opponents. (Except in exceptional circumstances)
(d) In the event of the jack being displaced outside the rink this is a dead jack and the end is played again.
(e) In all competitions where there is a two or three-hour time limit, the following Rule must be adhered to at all times - once the end-of-session bell has sounded, no further ends may be played. If the jack has been correctly delivered AND SET before the bell sounds, that end may be completed.

In ALL Singles Competitions each game shall be played to twenty-one (21) shots up. Four (4) woods each player. These games will be played as directed by the respective Competition Secretary.
(VETERANS – see Veteran Rules)
Rules for the Bolton Challenge Cup Mixed Singles are published elsewhere on the Club Web Site and on the Bolton Challenge Cup Notice Board located in the Club.

In ALL the Pairs Competitions each game shall be played to eighteen (18) ends or to the three (3) hour bell, whichever comes first. Four (4) woods each player.
These games will be played as directed by the respective Competition Secretary.
(VETERANS – see Veterans Rules)

In ALL the Triples Competitions each game shall be eighteen (18) ends or to the three (3) hour bell, whichever comes first. Two (2) woods each player. These games will be played as directed by the respective Competition Secretary.
In ALL Fours Competitions each game shall be played to eighteen (18) ends or to the three (3) hour bell, whichever comes first. Two (2) woods each player.
These games will be played as directed by the respective Competition Secretary. It is the skips responsibility to ensure their team know the date of each round.

(Run by Ladies’ Competition Secretary)
Each game shall be eighteen (18) ends or to the three-hour bell. Each player shall have four (4) woods.
These games will be played as directed by the Ladies Competition Secretary.

(Run by Ladies’ Competition Secretary)
This competition may be Pairs or Triples depending on the number of entries.
Each game shall be to eighteen (18) ends or to the three-hour bell. 
Each player shall have four (4) or three (3) woods as applicable.
These games will be played as directed by the Ladies Competition Secretary.

In ALL Tie-Break Mixed Pairs and Tie-Break Mixed Triples Competitions each game will consist of two sets, each set being played over seven (7) ends or the three-hour bell, whichever comes first.
A set will be decided if at any point it becomes impossible for one team to draw, or win, the set given the number of ends remaining. If the game is tied after two (2) sets, by either team having won one (1) set or both sets being drawn, a best of five (5) ends “tie-breaker” will be played to determine the winner. The match tie-breaker is decided by the winner of each end, and not by the total number of shots won over the five (5) ends. In a match tie-breaker the team winning the toss shall have the choice of starting or giving away the jack on the first, third and fifth ends. The team that does not start the first end shall start the second and fourth ends. Four (4) woods each player in the Tie-Break Mixed Pairs Competition and three (3) woods each player in the Tie-Break Mixed Triples Competition. These games will be played as directed by the respective Competition Secretary.

In all competitions except Championship Singles, in the event of a tie at the end of play an extra end may only be played in the allotted time.
If not, ‘Count Back’ will apply – that is most ends won will win the game. In the event that it is still a tie, with the time expired, the winner will be based on, ‘Count Back’ of the last SEVEN ENDS PLAYED. TIED GAMES ON FINALS DAY ONLY – In all competitions in the event of a tie at the end of play, an extra end will be played to decide the Winner.

Only the Skips may visit the head on one occasion each end and that is after they have bowled their penultimate wood.

Because of time restraints. Skips are requested to leave the head together to make the most use of the available time.

12. SUBSTITUTIONS The PAIR, TRIPLES or FOUR, playing in the opening game of the Competition shall constitute ‘The Team’ and under normal circumstances should play throughout the competition.
However, one additional player (and the same player) may with the authorisation of the respective Competition Secretary, be used as a substitute at any time provided the said substitute has not been entered, named or played in the competition in which the substitution is being made. In exceptional circumstances a second substitute player may be used with the authorisation of the respective Competition Secretary providing they meet the above criteria. The substitute/s may play in any position.

In all rounds of the competitions Club Shirts should be worn or predominately white collar tops with sleeves.
Ladies - Black or grey tailored skirts, tailored trousers, cut-off trousers, black, grey or white Bowls Manufactured or tailored shorts.
Men – Black or grey Tailored trousers, black, grey or white Bowls Manufactured or tailored shorts.
On Finals Days – Club Shirts, white tailored trousers, white Bowls Manufactured or tailored shorts must be worn. White shoes preferred.

Members must not enter into club competitions if they know they will not be available on Finals Days. In the event of a member or members becoming subsequently unavailable for Finals Days, they must withdraw immediately and notify the respective Competition Secretary.

Entries received from members for Club competitions shall be invalidated should that member enter club competitions of any other Indoor Bowling Club.

The date of Finals Days shall be proposed by the Competition Secretaries and will be strictly adhered to.
At the discretion of the Competition Secretaries, Finals Day’s, may be continued on the following day if deemed necessary.
Players must be prepared to play to the format laid down by the respective Competition Secretaries or else have a substitute in accordance with the rules.
In all Competitions in the event of a Tie at the end of play an extra end will be played to decide the winner. Time limits will NOT apply.

Any complaints, disputes or disagreements regarding club competitions must be submitted IN WRITING to the respective Competition Secretary, who shall bring the complaint before the Section Committee, and the decision made shall be final.

Any proposed alteration to the Competition Rules should be made in writing to the respective Competition Secretary, who shall bring it to their SECTION Committee for consideration.
If accepted, the proposition should be forwarded to the Board Director responsible for overseeing the Rules, (the Chair of the Rules Committee), who will, if necessary, bring the proposed changes to the Rules Committee for consideration, and if there are any financial implications, will bring the proposed changes before the Board of Directors, who shall make the final decision.


All entrants must be SIXTY (60) years of age or over as at the 1st October that year.

Singles will be played to twenty-one (21) shots up. Each player shall have 4 woods.
To be played as directed by the respective Competition Secretary.

The Pairs Competition will be played to eighteen (18) ends or to the three-hour bell, whichever comes first. Four 4 woods each player.
To be played as directed by the respective Competition Secretary.

Competition Rule Number 9 applies.

Competition Rule No. 12 applies.

Veterans Competitions

Club competitions shall be organised by the Ladies, Men's and Summer Section Committees via the respective Competition Secretaries, who shall be responsible for making all the draws. In the event of a dispute or disagreement, the findings of the respective Competition Secretary shall be final.

(a) In all the competitions the first named shall be ‘the Challenger’ and shall be responsible for making contact with the second named ‘the Opponent’.
In a Play By date competition the Challenger shall offer two (2) dates and be responsible for booking a rink at the pre-arranged time, and, in the case of Singles Competitions shall be responsible to arrange for a marker. If the Challenger has not offered two (2) dates fourteen days prior to the end of the round in, a Play By date competition, the Opponent becomes the Challenger and offers two dates – one of which must be accepted.
In a Played On Date competition all rounds to be played on the designated dates or before by mutual agreement.
In the event of a failure to play in a round on the designated date or before, the game shall be awarded to the competitor who it is apparent, is available to play, unless permission has been given to change by the respective Competition Secretary.
(b) In ALL competitions there will be NO TRIAL ENDS.
(c) The time limit for commencement of games not starting on time is ten (10) minutes. The failure of a player or players to appear on the Green, after this maximum waiting period will result in the game being awarded to the Opponent/Opponents. (Except in exceptional circumstances)
(d) In the event of the jack being displaced outside the rink this is a dead jack and the end is played again.
(e) In all competitions where there is a two or three-hour time limit, the following Rule must be adhered to at all times - once the end-of-session bell has sounded, no further ends may be played. If the jack has been correctly delivered before the bell sounds, that end may be completed.

In ALL Singles Competitions each game shall be played to twenty-one (21) shots up. Four (4) woods each player. These games will be played as directed by the respective Competition Secretary.
(VETERANS – see Veteran Rules)
Rules for the Bolton Challenge Cup Mixed Singles are published elsewhere on the Club Web Site and on the Bolton Challenge Cup Notice Board located in the Club.

In ALL the Pairs Competitions each game shall be played to twenty-one (21) ends or to the three (3) hour bell, whichever comes first. Except the Ladies Nominated and Ladies Drawn Pairs which are eighteen (18) ends or to the three (3) bell, whichever comes first. Four (4) woods each player.
These games will be played as directed by the respective Competition Secretary.
(VETERANS – see Veterans Rules)

In ALL the Triples Competitions each game shall be eighteen (18) ends or to the three (3) hour bell, whichever comes first. Three (3) woods each player. These games will be played as directed by the respective Competition Secretary.
In ALL Fours Competitions each game shall be played to twenty-one (21) ends or to the three (3) hour bell, whichever comes first. Two (2) woods each player.
These games will be played as directed by the respective Competition Secretary. It is the skips responsibility to ensure their team know the date of each round.

(Run by Ladies’ Competition Secretary)
Each game shall be eighteen (18) ends or to the three-hour bell, whichever comes first. Each player shall have four (4) woods.
These games will be played as directed by the Ladies Competition Secretary.

(Run by Ladies’ Competition Secretary)
This competition may be Pairs or Triples depending on the number of entries.
Each game shall be to eighteen (18) ends or to the three-hour bell, whichever comes first.
Each player shall have four (4) or three (3) woods as applicable.
These games will be played as directed by the Ladies Competition Secretary.

In ALL Tie-Break Mixed Pairs and Tie-Break Mixed Triples Competitions each game will consist of two sets, each set being played over seven (7) ends or the three-hour bell, whichever comes first.
A set will be decided if at any point it becomes impossible for one team to draw, or win, the set given the number of ends remaining. If the game is tied after two (2) sets, by either team having won one (1) set or both sets being drawn, a best of five (5) ends “tie-breaker” will be played to determine the winner. If the game is still drawn after five (5) ends have been played then one extra end will be played. The match tie-breaker is decided by the winner of each end, and not by the total number of shots won over the five (5) ends. In a match tie-breaker the team winning the toss shall have the choice of starting or giving away the jack on the first, third and fifth ends. The team that does not start the first end shall start the second and fourth ends. Four (4) woods each player in the Tie-Break Mixed Pairs Competition and three (3) woods each player in the Tie-Break Mixed Triples Competition. These games will be played as directed by the respective Competition Secretary.

In all competitions except Championship Singles, in the event of a tie at the end of play an extra end may only be played in the allotted time.
If not, ‘Count Back’ will apply – that is most ends won will win the game. In the event that it is still a tie, with the time expired, the winner will be based on, ‘Count Back’ of the last SEVEN ENDS PLAYED. TIED GAMES ON FINALS DAY ONLY – In all competitions in the event of a tie at the end of play, an extra end will be played to decide the Winner.

Only the Skips may visit the head on one occasion each end and that is after they have bowled their penultimate wood.

Because of time restraints. Skips are requested to leave the head together to make the most use of the available time.

12. SUBSTITUTIONS The PAIR, TRIPLES or FOUR, playing in the opening game of the Competition shall constitute ‘The Team’ and under normal circumstances should play throughout the competition.
However, one additional player (and the same player) may with the authorisation of the respective Competition Secretary, be used as a substitute at any time provided the said substitute has not been entered, named or played in the competition in which the substitution is being made. In exceptional circumstances a second substitute player may be used with the authorisation of the respective Competition Secretary providing they meet the above criteria. The substitute/s may play in any position.

In all rounds of the competitions Club Shirts should be worn or predominately white collar tops with sleeves.
Ladies - Black or grey tailored skirts, tailored trousers, cut-off trousers, black, grey or white Bowls Manufactured or tailored shorts.
Men – Black or grey Tailored trousers, black, grey or white Bowls Manufactured or tailored shorts.
On Finals Days – Club Shirts, white tailored trousers, white Bowls Manufactured or tailored shorts must be worn. White shoes preferred.

Members must not enter into club competitions if they know they will not be available on Finals Days. In the event of a member or members becoming subsequently unavailable for Finals Days, they must withdraw immediately and notify the respective Competition Secretary.

Entries received from members for Club competitions shall be invalidated should that member enter club competitions of any other Indoor Bowling Club.

The date of Finals Days shall be proposed by the Competition Secretaries and will be strictly adhered to.
At the discretion of the Competition Secretaries, Finals Day’s, may be continued on the following day if deemed necessary.
Players must be prepared to play to the format laid down by the respective Competition Secretaries or else have a substitute in accordance with the rules.
In all Competitions in the event of a Tie at the end of play an extra end will be played to decide the winner. Time limits will NOT apply.

Any complaints, disputes or disagreements regarding club competitions must be submitted IN WRITING to the respective Competition Secretary, who shall bring the complaint before the Section Committee, and the decision made shall be final.

Any proposed alteration to the Competition Rules should be made in writing to the respective Competition Secretary, who shall bring it to their SECTION Committee for consideration.
If accepted, the proposition should be forwarded to the Board Director responsible for overseeing the Rules, (the Chair of the Rules Committee), who will, if necessary, bring the proposed changes to the Rules Committee for consideration, and if there are any financial implications, will bring the proposed changes before the Board of Directors, who shall make the final decision.


All entrants must be SIXTY (60) years of age or over as at the 1st October that year.

Singles will be played to twenty-one (21) shots up. Each player shall have 4 woods.
To be played as directed by the respective Competition Secretary.

The Pairs Competition will be played to twenty-one (21) ends or to the three-hour bell, whichever comes first. Four 4 woods each player.
To be played as directed by the respective Competition Secretary.

Competition Rule Number 9 applies.

Competition Rule No. 12 applies.

League Rules


Leagues shall be confined to full playing members of ADUR IBC. Ltd. except for the Offham league on Thursday evening.

Players are only allowed to play in one team in each league

Teams will comprise a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 10 players for RINKS (4s) play, (except for the ladies’ Friday afternoon league, in which the maximum number shall be 12), a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 9 players for TRIPLES play, and a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 for PAIRS play. Team numbers are at the discretion of the Team Captains. (These requirements will be waived at the discretion of the League Secretaries) Players can still be replaced, or added to the team any time, subject to the above maximum/minimum requirements. Where a member is to be added, that player must not have played for a team in the same league that season. The names of such players must be submitted to League Secretaries at least 24 hours in advance of a player participating in league play, otherwise the offending team will be deemed to have played an illegal player and will forfeit the match.

Team Leaders will be responsible for registering the team players with the League Secretaries on the official registration forms where applicable. 
The Team Leader will also be responsible for seeing that all their players are fairly treated and have an equal number of games throughout the season wherever possible, remembering that the league programme is for the benefit of the whole of the membership of the club, and not for the benefit of any particular team, however much that team wants to win.

All Team Leaders must register their team in accordance with Rules 3 and 4. All teams playing in "Members" Leagues can play a full team of either sex without forfeiting the game or being subject to a reduction of 1/3 of their score. 


All league games must be played. If a game cannot be played on the designated day, it is the responsibility of the defaulting team leader to cancel the booked rink. The game must then be rearranged leading to the match being played at the latest, by the end of the third week in April, with the League Secretary being informed as soon as possible of this event. 
If the match is not played by this time, both teams will be charged for the full cost of the green fees and two points will be deducted from their total points score.

However, if the following has occurred:-
i) The League Secretary is notified in advance, that one of the teams is not prepared to play the match by the date specified and thus, by default, offers the match to their opponent. In this case the opponent will be awarded the two points and the total rink cost will fall on the defaulting team.
ii) Where a match cannot be played due to exceptional circumstances, the Team Leader(s) must contact the League Secretary and in consultation with the Rules Director on the Board, will consider the reasons and may waive the penalty
In the event of a game being cancelled due to adverse weather conditions, such as snow, resulting in the closure of the club, then the games must be rearranged.
In this case the first named team shall be responsible for fixing the new date to suit both teams.
iii) If a match is cancelled due to a National competition being played on their rink (i.e. The Inter County Over 60s) and thus they are unable to rearrange their game before the end of the appropriate season then they will not be charged rink fees.
A team cannot win their respective league unless all outstanding rink fees have been paid by the second week in April. Such payment to have been confirmed by the Green Stewards Office.

When a team is unable to field a minimum of three players in a Rinks game or two in a Triples or Lancing League, then the fixture may be rearranged but for the following reasons only, and in addition with the authority of League Secretary.
(i) If players are involved in County Matches 
(ii) If players are required to attend Official Club Meetings e.g. Club AGM etc.
(iii) In extenuating circumstances e.g. Sickness.
It then becomes the responsibility of the defaulting team to rearrange a postponed match.

7. PLAYER SHORTAGES (Affective from 1st May 2018)

All League Games must start at the time stipulated by the Club Management.

If a Pairs Team reports with only one player, then this is not deemed to be a Match. The fixture will have to be re-arranged, subject to the Team Leaders’ agreement, with the defaulting Team being responsible for the re-arrangement.

If a Triples Team reports with one player short, play will be as follows :-

The Lead of each Team will bowl as usual, then the No 2 from the Team with three players will bowl three (3) woods consecutively. The Skips from both Teams will then complete the end in the normal way.

Thus, it will be six (6) woods against nine (9) woods and there will be no Penalty points or shots deducted from the Team playing short.

In the event of both Teams being one player short, a Pairs game may be played with three (3) woods per player. There will be no Penalty points or shots deducted from either Team.

If a Fours Team reports with one player short, play will be as follows :-

The Lead in each Team will bowl in the usual manner, then the No 2 from the Team with the four players will bowl their woods consecutively and both the No 3’s and the Skips will then complete the end in the usual way.

It will be six (6) woods against eight (8) woods and there will be no Penalty points or shots deducted from the Team playing short.

However if only two players report, this is not deemed to be a Match. The fixture will have to be re-arranged, subject to the Team Leaders’ agreement, with the defaulting Team being responsible for the re-arrangement.

In the event of a Match being conceded then the defaulting Team shall be subject to Rule 6.


Scorecards must show the full legible names of all players participating in the game. At the conclusion, the card should be checked and signed by a member of both teams and be placed in the boxes provided. No alterations are to be made to the scorecards, once signed, other than by the League Secretaries. At the discretion of the League Secretary a penalty of 2 points can be applied if a card is filled in incorrectly or if the names are either omitted or cannot be identified.

Failure of a team to meet the requirements of Rules 5, 6, 7 and 8 will result in the opposing team being awarded 2 points.

Two-Hour Triples matches will be played to 15 ends or to the end-of-session bell.
Two-hour Pairs matches will be played to 18 ends or the end-of-session bell. 
The following Rule must be adhered to at all times - Once the end of session bell has sounded no further ends may be played.
If the jack has been delivered correctly, from the mat and also centred before the bell sounds, that end may be completed.
The time limit for commencement of games not starting is 5 minutes
Other requirements are:-
(i) No trial ends 
(ii) Both skips must leave the head together
(iii) Visiting the head is not permitted
(iv) In the event of the jack being displaced outside the confines of the rink - the jack will be re-spotted on the appropriate side.

All three-hour matches are played to 21 ends (for rinks) and 18 ends (for triples), except for the Friday afternoon ladies league (rinks) which shall be 18 ends or 3 hours.
The time limit for commencement of games not starting is 5 minutes
Other requirements are:-
(i) One trial end will be allowed
(ii) Maximum time allowed 3 hours or to the end-of-session bell.
The following Rule must be adhered to at all times - Once the end of session bell has sounded no further ends may be played.
If the jack has been delivered correctly, from the mat and also centred before the bell sounds, that end may be completed.
(iii) In the event of the jack being displaced outside the side confines of the rink - the jack will be re-spotted on the appropriate side. Should the spot be covered by a bowl, the jack shall be re-spotted outside the bowl without touching it.

It is not the Committee’s intention to ‘Police’ these rules. Members are relied upon to honour them, particularly those relating to Registration and Substitutions and payment of rink fees. Captains of any team have the right to appeal to League Secretaries in writing, If their ruling is not acceptable, an appeal may be made to the relevant Section Committee in writing. For Mixed League appeals these should be sent to the Men’s Committee. A copy of the letter should be passed to the appropriate League Secretary, and to the opposing captain if they should be part of the dispute.

The winners of the every league shall be the team with the highest number of points accrued.
If equal with another team then the following will apply:-
At the end of the season, where teams are tied on points, the winners will be decided by the shot difference (the highest being the winner).
Should there still be a tie then the number of games won will decide. As a final measure a count back on ends won over the last 5 games in the season will be undertaken.

Any proposed alterations to the League Rules must be made in writing to the Section Committee via the relevant League Secretary. If accepted, the amendments should be forwarded to the Board Director responsible for overseeing the Rules, (the Chair of the Rules Committee), who will, if necessary, bring the proposed changes to the Rules Committee for consideration, and if there are any financial implications, will bring the proposed changes before the Board of Directors, who shall make the final decision.

Schedule of Play (WINTER)

Monday 9.00 a.m. Arundel League Men only Triples
Monday 7.00 p.m. Australian Pairs Mixed Pairs (Separate rules apply)
Tuesday 9.00 a.m. Football League Triples (Separate rules apply)
Tuesday 11.00 a.m. Fulking League Members Triples 
Tuesday 7.00 p.m. Goring League Men only Triples
Wednesday 9.00 a.m. Iford League Men only Triples 
Wednesday 11.00 a.m. Ladies only League Triples
Wednesday 11.00 a.m. Lancing League Members 3-Wood Pairs
Wednesday 7.00 p.m. Falmer League Members 4 to 1 2-Wood Triples 
Thursday 7.00 p.m. Offham League Men Triples (Indoor and Outdoor clubs)
Friday 9.00 a.m. Quebec League Members Triples 
Friday 2.00 p.m. Ladies only Friday League Triples
Friday 7.00 p.m. Tottington League Members Triples 

Members Football League Rules

1 The Team will be based on a Triples – 3 woods format.

2 A Minimum of six (6) and a Maximum of Nine (9) players can be registered into a team.

3 A TOTAL of Six (6) Vouchers per team are required per match. See (*).

4 Maximum Number of League teams will be Sixteen (16).

5 One (1) “Substitute” can be brought on and off the rink at the conclusion of an end but only after the first four (4) ends have been completed, and then thereafter on an unlimited number of times basis.

6 A Match may commence with one or both teams being one (1) player short. Additional team members, may join the match at any time after the conclusion of an end and will therefore not be subject to the first four (4) ends rule as referred to in rule (5).

7 Three woods per player to be used at ALL times, irrespective of the number of players on the rink.

8 All players on the day MUST be entered onto the scorecard.

9 Players may change their playing positions at any time during the match, but only after the completion of the end.

10 The League will run generally to the same schedule as that for all other AIBC winter bowls leagues which is from October to April inclusive.

11 Teams and members names MUST be registered with the league secretary before the season starts, although changes can be made during the year up to the maximum number of players designated for this league.

12 Matches will be played between 9.00 am and 11:00 am on Tuesday mornings.

13 A maximum of 18 Ends will be permitted.

14 Players may play in their chosen team strip or white tops. Plain GREY trousers at all times.

15 No Trial ends will be permitted.

16 At the commencement of the match the Team that wins on the “toss of a coin” centres the jack and can then decide whether to bowl first or second. Thereafter, if a goal (3 shots advantage) is scored then the winning team presents the jack. The team that did not score will then play first. Should neither team score a goal on the end then the team that has the nearest bowl to the jack can spot the jack and bowl first.

17 To score a “GOAL” a team must have a 3 shots advantage in the head for one (1) goal to be scored. Then 5 shots for two (2) goals and 7 shots for three (3) goals. Ultimately should a team have all 9 shots then four (4) goals would be awarded. See (**).

18 Should the team who wins the end by scoring a Goal(s) (rule 17) and then present the jack, which subsequently goes out of the playing area (back or sides), then the jack will be pass to their opponents for presentation. Their opponents will also then bowl first.

19 Should the jack again go out of the playing area (rules 18) then the jack will be spotted on the “T” with the mat placed on the opposite ends “T.” That is to say a full length jack with the team who lost the goal(s) bowling first.

20 Further movement of the jack once spotted that results in it being deemed out of the playing area (Sides or Ditch) will result in the end being declared dead. A “Penalty” will be given against the offending team, with the non-offending team being awarded a GOAL!

21 If a delivered wood touches the jack and then falls into the ditch (not outside the rink sides) then this will continue to be recorded as a “live” wood for count back purposes towards scoring a GOAL.

22 In the event of a penalty (Rule 20) being awarded, the “offending” player who created the penalty will be removed from the next played end. This means that the offending team will have only six (6) of their usual nine (9) woods available to play. The “offending” player, after the next end has been completed without them, will be then be allowed back into play.

23 Teams will be awarded three (3) points for a match win, two (2) points for a “score” draw, one (1) point for a “no” draw and nil (0) points for losing. A match win being based on the number of goals scored by each team with the highest being the winner.

24 At the end of the season where the points are equal on the league table then goal difference will decide the league champions. Should this be tied then the most goals scored in the season will decide the teams’ final positions.

25 If at the end of the season the teams are still equal even after Rule 24 has been applied then a one (1) hour final will be played between the teams to decide the league champions.

26 Should a team kill the last end of the match then they will concede an own goal, and be issued with a yellow card. This will be recorded on the scorecard by way of a “Y” on the offending team’s side of the card whilst adding the “Goal” on the non-offending team’s side. When two (2) yellow cards are handed to a team then a RED card will be issued resulting in the offending team forfeiting two (2) league points.

27 Results will be posted on the Club’s winter Football leagues “WEB page” within 5 days of the match being played.


1. (*) Note this can be made up using more than three players. For example two (2) players play the full two hours and then two (2) players can split the two hours 50/50.

2. (**) A “Goal” or “Goal’s” shall be recorded as a number, i.e. 1, 2 etc. not as a “G” or “Goal”

Summer Season Bowler Information


The maximum number in a team (including the leader) will generally be eleven. (A minimum of 7 bowlers is suggested). All players of a specific team should be allocated an equal number of games throughout the season. 
Rules and regulations relating to the league (e.g. replacement players, trial ends etc.) will generally be in accordance with the winter ones relating to similar leagues. 
(See “IMPORTANT NOTE” below.)
1. All games must be played.
2. All vouchers from both teams must be placed in the appropriate rink pot before play commences.
3. When a member of a league team does not attend to play in a scheduled match, the skip of that team must write the name of the non-attender on the scorecard. The Team Leader will then be contacted in order to obtain the vouchers from the non-attender. 
4. Leagues will run from the beginning of May until various weeks in September (dates to be advised).
5. A full member can only register in one team for each league. Late registration of players must be made at least forty-eight hours before the new player’s first match.
6. All players names must be entered on the Match Score Card provided for the match, and both Skips are to sign the card at the completion of the game.
League matches will be 15 ends or 2 hours to the bell, whichever is sooner.
Would all league players ensure they turn up for their allocated sessions of play. It is very unsatisfactory for both teams if they have to play 2 bowlers – v – 3 bowlers. The summer ruling on teams reporting to play with insufficient players is as follows (and will be followed during the Summer Season) Would all league players please ensure they are down on the green ready to play at the appointed time.
“Should a triple team report with one player short (2 players instead of 3) the full team shall play 3 woods each, as well as the team with 2 players. Leads of both teams shall put up 3 woods each and then the 2 on the full team will put up their 3 woods on their own, then the 2 on the short team and the skip on the full team shall each play their 3 woods. There will be no Penalty points or score deducted, but the game will be played by the normal club rules”.
Completed scorecards are to be signed by the skip of each team, and placed in the appropriate scorecard box at the bottom of the slope. Please DO NOT complete the overall league charts, the summer league secretary will do this.


Rinks for general play or roll-ups can be booked 7 days in advance.
For Competitions, they may be booked up to a max. of 14 days in advance.
All bookings are to be made by the Green Steward on duty, NOT BY INDIVIDUAL BOWLERS AND NOT BEFORE 8.30 AM
Please note that in most sessions where leagues, competitions or drives are scheduled to take place, there are normally spare rinks for use by bowlers not involved in that particular event.
For Competitions, ensure that the selected rink on the booking sheet is clearly marked Competition so that “other bowlers” are not added to the rink.

Please ensure that the total number of hours required for Competitions, Games or roll – ups are booked. (Hourly sessions are indicated on the Rink Booking Sheets, so please remember to check that the green steward fills in for the complete time you want to book a rink.)


Bowlers are reminded that mobile phones should not be used in the rink area. Please remember to switch them off when you are playing bowls. Thank you


Unless notified in advance that the fire alarm is being tested; bowlers are requested to leave the premises immediately by the closest fire exit – do not collect belongings – do not return to the building until advised to do so. Having left the building please assemble in the car park adjacent to the Leisure centre.
There should be a list in the Green Steward’s Office for emergency telephone/contact numbers.

The (Four2One) League Rules

  1. The league will last for 2 hours or 18 ends whichever comes first.
  2. The league will be played as a MEMBER’S league.
  3. Each team can have a minimum of 6 (six) and a maximum of 9 (nine) players.
  4. Each playing team will be made up of 3 (three) players.
  5. Each player will bowl 3 (Three) woods in the usual playing format.
  6. If a team reports and plays with one player short, the remaining two players will each play with three (3) woods, and shall forfeit 1/6th of their final score, and the opposing team with the three players, shall play with their two woods per player as usual.  
  7. Matches will be played between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm on a Wednesday evening. 
  8. The League could consist of a Maximum of 16 (sixteen teams) which would require a change into and A & B league of 8 (eight teams). Should this occur then it may require a change to the current single evening format to cope with the extra league.   
  9. The current club bowls rules will apply; except as follows:-
    1. The wood deemed nearest to the jack will score 4 (four) points
    2. The 2nd wood nearest to the jack will score 3 (three) points
    3. The 3rd wood nearest to the jack will score 2 (two) points
    4. The 4th wood nearest to the jack will score 1 (one) point
  10. To remove any misunderstanding in submitting the scores to the skips at each completed end the 2nd player of the team that has scored the 4 (four) points (shot wood) and whose team will therefore set up the next end, will confirm the scores to both skips, even if they have lost the end 4-6. No other person should be involved with the relaying of the scoring information. (For example the 2nd player of Team A having scored the 4 points need only indicate to the skips that “his/her” team has scored the 4 points. The assumption will therefore be that the other Team “B” has scored the 6 points). 
  11. Any end where a decision cannot be reached as to which team’s wood is nearest to the jack, after measuring the head; then the action outlined below will be implemented.
  12. In conjunction with Rule 11, the team who held the jack at that start of end in question will again present the jack on the next end. 
  13. Should the end be a tied score? That is to say 5 points are awarded to each team then the team who gained the “SHOT” (4 point) wood will be allowed to present the jack on the next end. 
  14. The Team that gains the “SHOT” (4 points) wood on any end, even if they lose the overall score for that end. That is to say 4 points to 6 points against; will be allowed to present the jack on the next end.
  15. The team with the highest wood points score at the end of the two hours, or 18 ends, which ever occurs first, will be deemed the winner and will be awarded 2 (two) league points.
  16. Should, after the allotted time, the teams have the same number of wood points then the result will be considered a draw and 1 (one) point will be awarded to each team. 
  17. At the end of the season, in the event of a league point’s tie, the League winner will be decided using the general club rules.

Explanation and Action of Rule 11

If woods 1&2 are as covered under Rule 10 then these will be removed from the head and Wood 3 will become the “shot (4 point) wood”, Wood 4, prior to the removal of the top woods will then become the 2nd wood gaining the 3 points. Wood 5 becomes the 2 point wood and wood 6 the 1 point wood.

The same scenario will occur should the woods in question be the “2nd (3 point) wood.” The shot wood will stand with 4 points then the two equal 2nd woods will be removed, and the woods below take over the points as usual. 

For equal 3rd placed woods, the top two woods are scored as normal. Then the two 3rd woods that are equal are removed, and the next two woods come into play, which are the forth and fifth woods respectively.

Should this then occur with the 4th and final scoring wood position then again the two woods in question are removed, and the next nearest one will be used to score the 1 point.      

Issue 4 by RPA (4.7.23).

Bolton Cup Rules


DIVISIONS: Competitors will be divided into divisions of 7 players in ranking order based on previous seasons results.

ROUNDS: Each round will be played in 2 x calendar months. 

1st October / November 27th

1st December / January 27th

1st February / March 27th

Each round will consist of 6 x matches per player. To be played no later than 27th of each round period.

MATCH FORMAT:   Singles.  Each match will consist of 2 x Sets of 10 ends per set. Should each player win a set each or both sets be drawn then a best of 3 end TIE BREAK shall be played to decide result of the match and points scored.  Player that wins both sets or wins one set and draws the other is the Winner of the match (see points system below).  Max playing time will be 2 hrs. There is NO MARKER, and the jack will always be placed on the ‘T’, with the mat placed by the first player to bowl anywhere from full to minimum length. ALL 10 ENDS MUST BE PLAYED as all set shots, for and against will count to determine promotion and relegation positions during the season, should players be on equal points. TOSS FOR MAT is only required at the start of the match and before the 1st end of the TIE BREAK.  The winner of the toss can decide to keep the mat or give it to the opponent on the 1st end. Player that has the mat on the first end of the TIE BREAK will also have the mat on the 3rd end only. THERE ARE NO TRIAL ENDS. The maximum score on the 1st end of the first set and any TIE BREAK end is limited to one shot. Shot count on all other ends played, will be governed by standard E.I.B.A rules of the game, in other words both players to verbally agree counted shots before any wood is removed from its place on the green.  There are NO LIVE TOUCHERS IN THE DITCH. Should a jack be knocked into the ditch by a bowl then a marker should be placed over the jack. The centre point of the marker will be the point to measure any bowl as the jack can be moved by subsequent bowls delivered. If both players agree that the jack has not been moved, then shot count is measured from the jack. NO DEAD ENDS.  If the jack is displaced outside the boundaries of the rink, then the jack is re-spotted to the nearest re-spot mark either side of the ‘T, the end continues as normal. Should a bowl be covering the re-spot mark then the jack should be placed as near as possible and in the direction of the T /Centre Line and agreed by both players


 Both Sets Won  = 3pts                    (10-5)   (14-7)

1 x Set + 1 Set Drawn  = 2pts         (10-5 )  (8-8)

1 x Set each   = 1pt each                 (10-4)   (3-12)  No Tie Break Played

Both sets drawn  = 1pt each          (9-9)      (5-5)    No Tie Break Played

TIE BREAK: Based on 2hr session (Best of 3 ends)

1 - 0  = 2pts  ,   1 – 1 =  1pt each ,   2 – 0 = 2pts ,   2 – 1 = 2pt

VISITING THE HEAD:  After both players have delivered their 2nd wood & Returning to the mat in a timely manner.

RECORDING SCORES: Only the NEW ‘SETS’ BOLTON CUP SCORECARDS are to be used which are available by the Bolton Cup Notice Board at the club end of Rink 1 or at reception.  PLEASE USE THE ELECTRONIC SCORE BOARD at the end of your rink while playing, so both players can cross check & confirm shots and ends played with the card being used.  It also keeps spectators up to date that may be following the game.

RECORDING RESULTS INTO the - Bowlr System iPads

Results on the score card must be agreed and signed by both players. Upon completion of the game please enter the result into one of the Bowlr IPAD’s positioned by the side of Rink 1, and then leave the card in the Bolton Cup card box by the iPads.  PLEASE CHECK THE SCORES CAREFULLY as mistakes can cause unnecessary work and possible delays to correct league positions for the following round.


PROMOTION: On completion of each round (2-month period) top 3 of each Division are promoted with bottom 3 relegated. 1st place in Division (except Div 2) will be promoted by 2 Divisions with 2nd & 3rd places promoted up one Division. Top 2 in Division 2  will be promoted to Div 1.

RELEGATION: 7th place in any division will be relegated 2 divisions. 6th & 5th place by 1 division. Should players be on equal points upon completion of any round, shot difference will decide division placing. If shot difference is equal, then placings will be decided on most shots scored overall in that round.

 WINNER of the BOLTON CUP:  1st Place finisher Division 1 at end of season (March 27th)

ARRANGING MATCHES:    THERE ARE NO HOME OR AWAY PLAYERS as such. BOTH PLAYERS must take responsibility for arranging matches, don’t wait for your opponent to make contact first, It is in your own interest as soon as possible to get your matches arranged.  EITHER player should offer 2 dates and times to the other player, which the other player can choose from to play the match.  If that player is not available, then they should offer 2 alternative dates & times in return. Should a rink not be available for a chosen time, further dates & times should be offered. A MINIMUM of 2 MATCHES to be played within the 1st month of any round.  


***BOLTON CUP (Admin):  Bob Atkins. Contact details available from Club General Office or via club’s website (Members  List). (Dated 14.6.23)


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